As summer arrive, most of the homeowners become concerned about increase in energy bill as they will need air conditioners to keep their homes cool and comfortable to live in. Even in winters, they try to keep heating cost as low as possible since it is an unavoidable cost. In short, there has to be a solution that will work in both conditions. Do you know what it is? Well, energy efficient windows and doors Toronto will be the best choice since they are manufactured according to the Energy Efficiency Act and you will find a wide variety, having different colors, textures, material, and design.

These windows and doors Toronto will not only maintain internal temperature but will also assist in adding value to the home. Now the question is how can you identify the energy efficiency level of your home? What are the factors that you should consider? Direct Pro Windows and Doors have listed some of them:

Visual Inspection

Before going to inspect windows and doors Toronto for air leaks, it is recommended to have a closer look at the exterior and interior of your home so as to be certain about any crack, faulty caulking material or opening. This way, you will be in a better position to understand from where you should start and what sort of plans you should make.

For exterior, you should examine:

  • Corners
  • Chimneys and sidings
  • Outside faucets

For interior,

  • Fans and vents
  • Phone cable and lines
  • Gas entrance
  • Frames of windows and doors

Also, you will need to check if any area is colder than the rest of the home because it will be an indicator that there is a gap and you should do something about it.

Blow Smoke

For this, you need:

  • A lighter
  • Incense or candle

Before going to start the test, you should turn off fans and air conditioner and close all windows and doors Toronto so that other items will remain unaffected. Light the candle or incense and carefully move it around the frame.

If you feel that flame or smoke is moving in a horizontal direction, there is a gap that may cause air to escape from the place, thus adding more dollars to your energy bills. Repeat this procedure as many times as you want and also clean trash and dirt around the frames.

Use an Air Leak Detector

Direct Pro Windows and Doors suggests you to purchase an air leak detector (also named as Infrared Thermometer) to measure ambient air temp around the windows and doors. You can also find out areas that are colder as compared to other parts of the home due to air leakage.

Once you have worked on every step to ensure air leakage, it’s time to check for leaks again in order to be sure if air is still escaping or not. If the problem still exists, you should think of replacing old windows and doors Toronto as it is the ultimate option you can work on.